The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) requires that Missouri conduct quality of life surveys for all MFP participants. The Money Follows the Person demonstration is seeking individuals to conduct these quality of life surveys. Surveys must be conducted with individuals transitioning from habilitation centers and nursing facilities into the community who participate in the Money Follows the Person Demonstration
We are in need of surveyors in the rural areas of the state. We need surveyors in the Northwest, Northeast, South Central and Southeast part of the state.
What Those Interested in Conducting Surveys Should Know:
State employees and MO HealthNet providers or their employees cannot be considered as MFP Surveyors.
You must complete the application packet. (See links below)
You must pass a background check.
You must complete required training. (This training lasts about 2 hours “maximum” and might be provided in person or over the telephone, at the discretion of the MFP Director.)
You must have good communication skills and an interest in working with individuals with disabilities or the aged population.
Enrolling as a surveyor does not obligate you to conduct surveys. It simply places you on a list to be notified of surveying opportunities that are available in your area.
Typical surveys take 1 - 2 hours to complete.
The state will reimburse $100 for each completed survey once the individual moves to the community.
If you know someone who may be interested there is more information and the necessary application forms at the following weblink. If they have questions they may call 573-571-8021.