Jackson County Courthouse (PV)
415 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106-2752
Phone: 816.881.3135 Fax: 816.881.3474
Contact: Human Resources
Job Location: Jacomo
Job Expires: 4/2/2009
Minimum Qualifications: H.S. diploma/GED. Typing experience helpful. Must pass a police background check.
Job Description and Wage Information: Wage: $10.00/hr. Maintains and updates computer records pertaining to concealed carry permits. Responsible for answering telephones and providing information to the public regarding concealed carry laws and application procedures. Also will assist in completing concealed carry applications, issuing the endorsements, contacting applicants, and filing paperwork.
Apply at the above address or online at www.jacksongov.org Applications accepted only for open jobs posted weekly. Application deadline is March 27, 2009. All officers and employees shall be residents of Jackson County, Missouri. A non-resident may be hired with the understanding the applicant must establish residence within six months of hire or forfeit employment.
Hours: 20
Web site: www.jacksongov.org